Wow…first Zombies, and now Deep Impact. Austin’s getting fucked. During the Austin Marathon this weekend, mysterious fireballs were seen streaking in from the sky. Now, fireballs are one thing, but that marathon totally fucked up my commute this Sunday. I had to walk around several barricades to get my coffee. Stupid healthy people. Where was I? Oh yeah, the sky is falling- What happened was that several days earlier, there was the world’s (universe’s?) FIRST…
The Future is NOW.
Okay…okay. I give up. This is the greatest freaking thing in the world. A wearable computer rig that will allow you to immerse yourself in wi-fi, allowing the data stream flow around you, augmenting your reality. Now, this is just the test model…once you get this thing miniaturized, there will be no stopping this. It’s one of those emergent technologies that we didn’t know we needed until we saw it. The video is completely amateur,…
Last Day for the Original 3 Invitational Posters and Shirts!

It’s Valentine’s Day. Did you remember everything? Flowers- check. Card- check. Chocolate Covered Strawberries- check. The Limited edition Nakatomi Invitational T-shirt and Poster releases? FAIL! ABORT! Don’t worry- there’s still time. Today is the VERY last day the original 3 Poster / Shirt Invitational releases will be available. At Midnight tonight, C.S.T. they’re ‘outta here! Scoot your sweet self over to the NAKATOMI INVITATIONAL and get ’em. Because just like true love…these will soon expire. …
De Niro Times SIX! Now on sale

A hoy hoy! So- Bill Murray’s lesser known co-star from ‘Mad Dog and Glory’ , Robert De Niro, finally gets some recognition around here! De Niro Times Six! Is now up for sale in the Art Prints category in the Nakatomi Store! It comes in a regular edition– And a ‘Bobby’s got the Blues’ Glow in the dark version– Both have slightly larger edition sizes than the previously FAST sold out Murray posters, but not…
Is this the real life? Is this just fantasy?
Okay, so it’s easily the most viewed video on YouTube this week, but I’m constantly amazed at what I think is permeating the public consciousness is actually known only to a small portion of the populance. For example, please note my completely misunderstood ‘Peanut Butter Jelly Time‘ dance a few years back at a friend’s party…it was much funnier in my head, and of course saying ‘it’s a youtube thing’ doesn’t excuse stupid behavior. BUT–…
Murray x6- shipped out and back in stock!

So, look at these beauties that turned up at my front door yesterday- Damn those turned out nice. Special thanks to the great folks over at D and L screenprinters for the great work as usual. All orders have been packed and shipped…look for ’em by the end of the week, or early next. (Unless you live overseas, and that means 2 weeks?) Check out our fancy Tube Caps- And, once all orders were packed,…
This Is Why You’re Fat.
So I stumbled across this beautiful little piece of internet magic via a friend’s myspace bulletin, and well, it just seemed to blood clottingly delicious to not pass on. It’s called and as far as blogs go (“The Stuff” excluded of course), it might just be at the top of the food chain…PUN INTENDED! With such delights as the coma inducing Double Bacon Hamburger Fatty Melt… …to the heart-stopping Corn Dog Pizza… …right down…
One Week Left!- Danger, Slater, and Munoz-
Just a quickie reminder- there is just ONE WEEK LEFT for you guys out there in Nakatomi-land to pick up the first three entries in our Invitational series. Once midnight rolls around on Valentine’s Day, those posters and shirts will be gone forever! If I get any emails from people saying ‘Oh dang, I missed out, do you have any left’ on the 15th, I’m buying a ticket, going to their house and eating their…
Shepard Fairey Arrested- AGAIN?

Shepard Fairey is a ‘bit’ of a controversial figure in the art world. If you’ve been living in Austin for the last 10 years like I have, you couldn’t have helped NOT seeing his OBEY and GIANT poster campaigns rip through the downtown area years ago. Fairey being the master of the ‘underground’ poster campaign made him a natural choice for the Obama campaign when it came to picking an artist to tap for their…

So…you know how the Department of Motor Vehicles, no matter WHERE you live takes absolutely the worst photos, no matter what? I win the award for the worst ever. EVER. First up- my last one: Pretty bad. That photo is probably around 5-6 years old. I look like I live under florescent lights, and that dark ‘halo’ around my face is actually a pretty pathetic attempt at sideburns and a beard. I purposefully didn’t smile,…