JON “SMITTY” SMITH’s MOVING SALE! THESE ARE NOW SOLD OUT! THANK YOU ALL VERY MUCH! Jon Smith is leaving the Pacific North West and dragging himself down to the decidedly drier and less rainy (read- DROUGHT PRONE) city of Austin. And in order to lighten the load on his way down, he’s having an EPIC TUBE SALE OF EPIC PROPORTIONALITY! For a mere $50, you’ll get SIX screen-printed posters, and Jon is opening the archive…
New from CLINT WILSON!- “Toulouse” print and sticker set!

New from CLINT WILSON!- “Toulouse” print and sticker set! Toulouse is a Sulcata Tortoise hatchling from Nouakchott, Mauritania. Unlike most of his friends he is quite an extrovert and loves making friends. Clintprints and Nakatomi present a series of animals throughout the year of 2013 by releasing a new animal into the wild each month. The month of January introduces Toulouse the Tortoise and there will be 11 more animals to follow…
“OFFICIALLY LIMITED” Poster Documentary- featuring Nakatomi and others!
OFFICIALLY LIMITED! This documentary is by Chicago Film-maker Jon Otterbacher, and is an exploration of the ideas surrounding fair use, copyright, and to a greater extent- who owns our culture, as seen through the lens of the pop-art poster scene. Nakatomi regulars like Jon Smith and Tim Doyle, among many, many others were filmed for this documentary, and now the film-makers are looking to raise funds to COMPLETE THE PROJECT! You can visit their Indiegogo…
PANGEA SEED- Year of Living Dangerously- print series info

PANGEA SEED print Suite Info! Pangea Seed is an organization we here at Nakatomi believe in and support whole-heartedly. Their mission, the preservation of the bio-diversity of the world’s oceans, with a focus on ending the brutal Shark-Fin trade, is crucial to life here on Earth. To help fund their 2014 touring art-show, they have begun a massive print-suite program, featuring some amazing artists. Nakatomi founder, Tim Doyle is extremely honored to not only participate…

AAAAAH! Even More FREE STUFF! UPDATE- We are out of the ‘Bad Wolf’ stickers, but have plenty postcards- we’ll keep putting them in orders until they’re all gone! In addition to our FREE PRINT that we just posted about, Nakatomi just received a big batch of freebie stickers and postcards from SpokeArt to help promote Tim Doyle’s solo art show- UNREAL ESTATE 2, which opens on February 7th in San Francisco! If you place an…

De Niro X 6 Sticker sets! Stickers! Everyone love stickers! Like a baseball bat to the head, made of awesome sauce. (Incidentally, if you hit your head with a baseball bat hard enough, awesome-sauce is what comes out.) Our LONG sold-out DeNiro X 6 print is back as a set of 6 6×6 Vinyl stickers- ready to stick on your guitar-case, luggage, or 1970’s era NYC Taxi Cab. Just like our other quality stickers, I’ve…

UPDATE- THIS PRINT IS NO LONGER AVAILABLE! ALL GONE! The newest print in our ongoing series of FREE PORTRAIT PRINTS is now available! This 9×24 2-color hand-printed silkscreen poster is signed and numbered by artist Tim Doyle in an edition of 150. You can see the entire series of prints so far by clicking HERE. the last print in this series, THE OWL has been tearing up the charts on eBay, even though it too,…
BLACK FRIDAY- art print by Omar Hauksson!

BLACK FRIDAY Long time friend of the site, Icelandic movie poster artist, rock-star, and international film blogger, Omar Hauksson (aka Swarez), brings us this amazing pop-culture mash-up from a world that never was! Black Friday is an 18×24 hand-printed silk-screened poster, numbered in an edition of only 100 worldwide! Also available in a super-limited metallic paper edition of only 13- pictured below- The prints are in hand and ready for immediate shipment- you can PICK…
“The Sea Also Rises- Frog Prince” by Doyle- artist copies now available!
Originally part of the hit ‘Strange Beasts’ show at Gallery Guzu last month, Nakatomi now has artist copies of Doyle’s new print available for purchase! (Including the sold-out Metallic Variant!) The full and completely unwieldy title for this print is- “The Sea Also Rises- Incident 28: The Frog Prince Commands His Homunculus.” This 5- color print measures 24×36 and is hand signed and numbered by Doyle in an edition of 125. Nakatomi will have much…