Wow. Uh…wow. The Bill Murray art print sold out in record time. Big ups to Peter over at SlashFilm, and Omar over at TwitchFilm for getting the word out, as well as Mitch over at OMGposters for his coverage. The demand was so violently fast, that we rushed a 2nd edition out, and even that is almost sold out at this writing. (It’s the one on the bottom) UPDATE- The 2nd edition is now sold-out…There…
Zombies attack Austin, warns street sign…
Hmm. We here at Nakatomi Inc. might be TOTALLY OVER zombies at this point (Except for The Walking Dead), but this still warmed our once-beating hearts- Here in Nakatomi country (read as Austin, Texas) we had a slight infestation of the living dead, if this road sign is to be believed- Now, just a little digging revealed this bit of interesting hackery- “While most road sign control pads are placed in a lock box,…
InHumanoids- the evil that lies within!
Okay, so…if you don’t remember InHumaniods, you’re too young for me to be friends with, or old enough to loan me money. But when I was a kid, for a few months, nothing meant more to me than InHumanoids. Take a look- How could you NOT love that stuff. I barely remember it, but I had all the hero figures when I was a kid, and one of the vehicles. They were insanely detailed dudes…
Eight legs: Four good. Four bad.
I’ll buy that for a dollar!
Okay…so someone sent this to me a few months back. And it furthers my belief that Robocop is the best thing in the world. Robocop will eat your chicken and steal your fridge. So, what blows me away is that someone in Korea thought it’d be a great idea for a title character from an American film that ALMOST got rated X for violence (in the days before NC-17), who is a modern day Frankestein’s…
Nakatomi Invitational Update and previews…

Hello! We’re now exactly one week in on this crazy business venture (recession? Never heard of it!) and we’re really off to a running start. We here at Nakatomi did get more than a few requests to offer our Poster / T-shirt combos as separate items. Some of you wanted just the shirt, others wanted just the poster. Well, never let it be said we don’t listed to our adoring fans! For all Invitational releases,…
The Nakatomi Invitational T-shirt Poster club is here!

Instead of bridging the gap between art and fashion, the Nakatomi Invitational Series comes down firmly on BOTH sides. Once a month Nakatomi will invite one of our favorite artists to design an art print AND t-shirt. This combo will be limited to just 250 copies, and will only be available for THAT MONTH. After that month is up, or 250 copies are sold, (whichever comes first) it will be gone forever. These high-quality silk-screened…
Comics Review- Fantastic Four Omnibus 1

Fantastic Four Omnibus Volume 1- 848 pages, Originally published 2005. Collects Fantastic Four #1-30 and Annual #1. Here we are at the start of a new year, and nothing lingers from the previous year like the guilt of half-read novels and comics lying around, accusing me with their dogged corners and other make-shift bookmarks made of receipts and greeting cards. Instead of resolving to start exercising regularly or curing cancer, I’ve decided to finish every…