If you were already a member of the mailing list, you’d have already had a shot at this one (Hint, Hint) but now it’s here for the rest of us! ‘Full of Grace’ is the follow up to Tim Doyle’s sold out ‘Take the Cannoli’ print from last year. Available in a paper and wood edition, this print won’t hang around for long. Nakatomi will only have 30 of the paper edition for sale, and…
Nakatomi and Industrial Light and Magic!

Hmm…what’s this I found on my doorstep today? An overnight package from ILM? Oh yeah. So, a while back, I got an email from the fine folks at ILM saying they’d love to use the ‘Change Into a Truck’ image on some staff shirts. And what do ya know- Oh damn that’s cool. I sent them the files and they were nice enuff to send me a comp copy of the shirt! (Size FAT.) And…
Bustin’ and Cadbury Creme Eggs make me feel good-

Man, I’ve been waiting months to use this image for Easter and almost forgot…it’s not a new one, but a goodie- Courtesy of THE INTERNET. But the fine thing is that ‘googling’ “Ghostbusters Jesus” shows that this has spurng into a little meme we can all take part in- Now that’s uh…amazing. Although, I think I like the more graphic nature of the 1st piece. And of course there’s the much easier GB/JC mash-up- Now,…
New Invitational- Mark Todd!

Mark Todd’s scheduled Nakatomi Invitational drops this Wednesday, April the 1st! (no fooling.) This t-shirt and art print combo are only available for the month of April, and after that, it’s gone for good! The print is an 18×24 3-color silkscreen (one being a transparent glossy varnish layer), individually numbered. The t-shirt is available in women’s and unisex (mens) sizing. For those of you who DON’T know, Mark Todd is an illustrating powerhouse, who’s done…
TV Party- Dollhouse

First- some background. I never watched Buffy. Or Angel. I did however completely fall in love with Firefly. But only AFTER seeing the movie Serenity first. (Which ACTUALLY, probably wasn’t a bad way to get into it all…it is a pretty great film.) And when Joss Wheedon came on board to write The Astonishing X-Men at Marvel, my new-found faith in Wheedon was rewarded with a great, great comic. But- my interest in the new…
Beverly Hills Cop 3000

In the future, Axel Foley’s corpse will be re animated to fight crime and put bannanas into quantum tail-pipes. Unfortunately for Axel, only his head was cryogenically frozen. Also, in the future, to save space- humanity has miniturized EVERYTHING. So Axel has to fight crime with just his giant, unfrozen head…dragged around Neo-Beverly Hills on a trailer. Proof-
$8.75 and the Truth
I just saw the movie Push. I know I’m a little late in the game, but I want this recorded so that future generations will know. The children, I think of them. Now, I love super-humans. I watched Jumper twice, even though Hayden Christiansen is, even without Lucas’ help, a terrible actor. I loved the first two X-Men movies. But I also loved Waitress, because it showed a different kind of superhuman, the kind I…
De Niro Times SIX! Now on sale

A hoy hoy! So- Bill Murray’s lesser known co-star from ‘Mad Dog and Glory’ , Robert De Niro, finally gets some recognition around here! De Niro Times Six! Is now up for sale in the Art Prints category in the Nakatomi Store! It comes in a regular edition– And a ‘Bobby’s got the Blues’ Glow in the dark version– Both have slightly larger edition sizes than the previously FAST sold out Murray posters, but not…