Okay…SUNDAY March 1st is the last day to purchase subscriptions and Stout’s print/shirt for the Nakatomi Invitational! On March 2nd, we’ll release the new combo- Jermaine Rogers’ “Rabbit Fighter” and Tyler’s “Nuclear Option” will be gone from the site for good! So, in case you were wating…WAIT NO MORE! Head on over to the NAKATOMI INVITATIONAL page to sign up, and get 6 months of awesome delivered to your house, along with the EXCLUSIVE Wood…
Will U B MySpace™ Freind On Facebook™ LOL?
Baby, Don’t leave me. Please, baby. After all we been through? You know how much I love you. Can we at least still be Facebook friends? Love, Sir Hugs-A-Lot PS: This is potentially really lame, but we started a Nakatomi “Fan Page” on Facebook. Will you PLEASE be our friend over on Facebook? We have like no friends so far and it looks really sad (granted it’s only be up for about a half hour)….
Will U B MySpace™ Freind On Facebook™ LOL?

Baby, Don’t leave me. Please, baby. After all we been through? You know how much I love you. Can we at least still be Facebook friends? Love, Sir Hugs-A-Lot PS: This is potentially really lame, but we started a Nakatomi “Fan Page” on Facebook. Will you PLEASE be our friend over on Facebook? We have like no friends so far and it looks really sad (granted it’s only be up for about a half hour)….
Biafrah’s Corner: The World’s Worst-Looking Web Sites

So, I cobbled together this here website using the graphic design greatness of Alex Fugazi and Ramrod (i.e., they designed the graphics and layout and I made it all work). For better or worse, I’ve been writing web sites since Netscape was the browser of choice, and Altavista was cooler than a Pets.com promotional t-shirt. As a result I have some serious bad attitude about crappy-looking websites. While assembling my “Top 3” list of the…
Beverly Hills Cop 3000

In the future, Axel Foley’s corpse will be re animated to fight crime and put bannanas into quantum tail-pipes. Unfortunately for Axel, only his head was cryogenically frozen. Also, in the future, to save space- humanity has miniturized EVERYTHING. So Axel has to fight crime with just his giant, unfrozen head…dragged around Neo-Beverly Hills on a trailer. Proof-
Devastation. 5 feet tall.

Look at it. LOOK AT IT! The 15 year old in me has just died and went to heaven. A heaven full of ladies in bikinis and robots. Now, the 32 year old in me says…’Yikes. Those ladies will live to regret that photo someday.’ Here’s more- Get out of the way of the ROBOT! Anyway, this guy has done a pretty rad thing, making a PERFECT replica of the classic Transformer DEVASTATOR out of…
Invitational- 1 Wk Left for Subs and STOUT!

Wow…February is the shortest month, but dang…that flew by. There is still ONE WEEK LEFT to get your hands on the Tyler Stout entry into the invitational series, as well as ONE WEEK LEFT to buy yourself half-a-year of awesome with our 6 month Subscription to the series. Every subscription gets you the super-rare limited edition Wood Variant of Tyler’s print, as well as first crack at every variant poster we release through the series….
$8.75 and the Truth
I just saw the movie Push. I know I’m a little late in the game, but I want this recorded so that future generations will know. The children, I think of them. Now, I love super-humans. I watched Jumper twice, even though Hayden Christiansen is, even without Lucas’ help, a terrible actor. I loved the first two X-Men movies. But I also loved Waitress, because it showed a different kind of superhuman, the kind I…
Figure A: Check this shit out. Figure B: This shit kicks ass.
Friday Morning Video-
Not to make this a regular feature, but god-damn, this guy is good. My CLOSE RELATIVE Daniel Francis Doyle uses a loop pedal to great effect (and affect) in his live shows. But this guy…this guy makes his loop machine make me smile and fly around my house on a cloud of beatboxing bliss, narrowly avoiding the ceiling fans. Reggie Watts- Special thanks to 4112 for the heads up on this one- – alex fugazi