THE CROW- Devil’s Night print release by RHYS COOPER! Rhys Cooper was one of the first artists we contacted when we started our official series of THE CROW prints inspired by James O’barr’s classic independent comic series that itself in turn inspired the 1994 film. This is truly a case of ‘good things are worth waiting for’ as this print is a MONSTER. Measuring 12×36, 5-colors with a secret glow layer, this print is a…
New prints and an AMAZING process video from Clint Wilson!

Clint Wilson has been printing out of the Nakatomi print shop for years now, in the off hours after we go home, and I honestly have no idea what he gets up to while he’s there. He comes in and disappears without a trace, like an art ninja. But he leaves behind awesome screen prints…so it’s more like a ninja-Santa thing. Hmmm. ANYWAY- Now…we have photographic evidence. Clint just made this incredible process video…
Russ Moore’s “THE PIPE CLEANER” onsale this TUESDAY!

THIS PRINT IS NO LONGER AVAILABLE! THANKS! “The Pipe Cleaner” by Russ Moore! Russ Moore’s next entry in his line of Sold-Out Video Game inspired prints, the Halloween appropriate ‘The Pipe Cleaner’ goes on sale THIS TUESDAY the 23rd at 2PM Central Time. You can see the previous entries HERE and HERE. This 4-color 18×24 screenprint features a split fountain, and is signed and numbered by Russ in an edition of 100. Nakatomi will also…
A Nakatomi Tattoo? Yikes!

DO NOT TRY THIS AT HOME. Nakatomi Customer, Mark Lincoln- who lives in a mystical land known as THE UNITED KINGDOM, was so impressed by Jacob Borshard’s recreation of a Swiss matchbook cover, that he decided to make it a permanent addition to his epidermis! How crazy is that? Mark told us to give a big shout out to his tattoo artist, Oliver at Frith St Tattoo in London! Here’s the print, pictured below-…
King of Baltimore- artist copies now available!

The King of Baltimore! Originally commissioned by BottleNeck Gallery NYC to be a part of their ‘More Than You Imagined’ cable-TV inspired art show, Nakatomi now has artist copies of Tim Doyle’s ‘The King of Baltimore” print available! This 16×20 silk-screen print features two metallic inks, and is signed and numbered by Doyle in an edition of 150. Print is in hand and ready for immediate shipment! Pick one up HERE. -alex fugazi
Eric Church posters by Smith and Doyle- now on sale!

Tim Doyle and Jon Smith have again been commissioned by Eric Church to produce prints from his current tour, and we have the artist copies now on sale! Both prints sold-out at their respective shows, and Jon sold out of the copies he had on hand from his own site, and we were lucky enough to get a few to sell- Pictured above the Doyle print, and Jon’s is below! Both prints are…
Obama 2012 Print by Doyle- Timed Release

Nakatomi artist, Tim Doyle, was contacted by The Obama Store to produce a limited edition art print in relation to the Obama 2012 campaign! The Obama Store is located here in Austin, Texas- inside the Texas Democratic National Committee headquarters. The Obama Store is headed by former Texas State Representative, Glen Maxey- a fierce supporter of several causes near and dear to us here at Nakatomi, including pro-LGBT legislation and children’s health initiatives. We…

MYSTERY TUBES FOR THE APOCALYPSE! Well, the time has come again for Nakatomi to clean house, and prepare our underground lair for the coming apocalypse. We need to move all this product out of here, so we can fill the space up on food rations and ammunition, and our collection of every single episode of Mama’s Family on VHS and Betamax. (don’t ask.) With just a few months left until the end of the world,…
Nakatomi x SpokeArt NYCC EXCLUSIVES

October 11-14, Nakatomi artist, TIM DOYLE will be hosted at the SpokeArt booth (#3220) and will be debuting TWO new prints exclusive to the Convention! We can’t show you the prints just yet, BUT- one will be for SpokeArt’s annual BAD DADS event, and the other will be a new entry into Doyle’s UNREAL ESTATE series! Here’s some extreme close-up teasers- Yes, that is a REGULAR and a Glow in the Dark VARIANT…

New free print! Continuing our popular FREE PRINT GIVEAWAYS, we’re including the above pictured poster in the next 200 POSTER orders that are placed on Nakatomi, while supplies last! This print measures 9×24 (just like the last few) and is signed and numbered by the artist, Tim Doyle, in an edition of 200. The last few prints in this series seem to be kinda popular! (Warning, those links contain evidence of people flipping prints!)…