FRAZETTA- DEATH DEALER AND SILVER WARRIOR IN HAND! They’re here! They’re here! If you missed out on these originally, NOW IS THE TIME to pick them up before they’re gone forever! We have a VERY limited supply left for orders- get them HERE in the Nakatomi store! The fine folk from Lady Lazarus drove up from Houston last week and delivered the first two prints from our Frazetta Kickstarter project to us, and we just…
RogueNASA- Update on shipping and donation!

RogueNASA shipping update! Hello Nakatomi Peoples! Just to give you all an update on where we are with the RogueNASA merch/fundraiser- Hats arrived today. We have shirts and stickers in hand. We are awaiting delivery of our Pins and Patches. If you ordered any of the products above AND Pins or Patches- your order will ship when the pins and patches do arrive. We still have SOME of the RogueNASA product left if you missed…
SXSW ’18 print by Doyle Now Available!

Official SXSW ’18 print by Doyle! Available HERE. Tim Doyle was commissioned by SXSW to produce the official festival poster this year, and we are now offering the remaining copies on Nakatomi! Originally an edition of 300 copies, less than 50 remain for websales. “Ride of the Fish-Valkyries” measures 18×24 and is signed and numbered by Tim Doyle in an edition of 300. Print is in hand and ready for immediate shipment. Pick one up…
ZOOBALL by Paul Pope! Now on Sale- plus BONUS print!

ZOOBALL print by Paul Pope! Released last week at the SXSW Flatstock art festival, this print is now available to the rest of the Nakatomi Nation! Pick one up HERE NOW. This big and BEAUTIFUL 16×36” print is being offered for the first time! Printed in a regular edition of 150 hand-numbered copies, and a variant (below) of only 25 hand-numbered copies. Note- we have less than 15 copies of the variant remaining from SXSW….
NAKATOMI x SXSW! New prints by Paul Pope AND a signing by BLUNT GRAFFIX

FLATSTOCK 2018 at SXSW! NAKATOMI will once again be at Flatstock this year during the SXSW music conference! From March 15-17, we’ll be at the Convention Center along with 100’s of other silkscreen poster artists from around the world! Flatstock is FREE TO ATTEND and NO BADGE REQUIRED, so come on down! (also, if parking is an issue, you can totally take the light rail in, it stops right in front of the convention center…)…
Official SXSW poster by Doyle- available at Flatstock!

Tim Doyle and Nakatomi were approached by the fine folk at SXSW here in Austin to produce the official art print for the festival! This 18×24 hand-printed silkscreen print is available at the SXSW merch booth, as well as at my Flatstock booth from March 15-17! This red edition is signed and numbered in an edition of 300. This edition of the print features a metallic blue ink split-fountain in the background,…
FRAZETTA: Worlds- Death Dealer and Silver Warrior printed! Shipping soon!

FRAZETTA: Worlds- Death Dealer and Silver Warrior printed! Shipping soon! Good News, Everyone! Lady Lazarus has completed printing on both the Death Dealer AND the Silver Warrior prints, and we are expected to have them IN HAND this Saturday! Pick up some of our VERY LIMITED copies HERE! The process took a little longer than expected, as we had to tweak the file, add a couple extra screens in there to really make these the…