Spacesick is from the future. The future of the past. One of the superstars over at Threadless (and anywhere else he rolls), Mr. Sick is literally a pair of cat’s pajamas. So, I’ve been a fan of Spacesick for a while. I remember the day someone forwarded me a link to his flickr page of his ‘I Can Read Movies’ series. And what I saw there melted my face. MELTED, I tells ya! I went…
White Dragon print now available!

It’s finally here! This Tribute print by Tim Doyle and Nick Derington is now up for sale! This 4 color print measures 12×24, with a silver metallic rain printed on top! You can’t see it from every angle, so look at this flash-close-up pic of the actual print below! Signed and numbered by both Doyle and Derington in an edition of 120. There is also a Glow in The Dark (all the white and neon…
Recession Proof!- New Creebobby Money Prints

The 5 new Jacob Borshard prints that debuted at the East Austin Studio Tour are now available! Creebobby Money, Series #1 Featuring T-Rex Lincoln, Cakes, Ukes and Undies.’ Jacob Borshard has just finished up this very limited issue of ‘Series #1 Creebobby Money’, featuring everybody’s favorite five dollar Cretaceous Orator, Preserver of the Pangean Union and author of the Lactation Proclamation, the Great Pest from the Midwest, ‘T-Rex Lincoln’ himself! Also featured are irresistible ‘One…
4 new Clint Wilson Prints!

Clint Wilson has been on fire recently! (Someone should get a bucket of water!). Today, Clint is releasing 4 new prints- The above Get Up Kids poster, an ART PRINT of the same print w/out text (very pretty), and the below Neko Case and AFI screenprints! All these prints were produced by Clint in the Nakatomi Print Labs, and are in limited hand signed and numbered editions. Check ’em out in the Gigposters section of…
The Twilight of Monster Movies

Remember when monsters were cool? I grew up on monster movies, good and bad. Scary or funny. It seemed like if you had a vampire or werewolf in something, I was going to love it. And then came Stephanie Meyers and her book, Twilight. Followed by sequels, movies, and millions of girls and women lacking something in their lives or significant others. The same kind of girls that never in a million years would have…
Jacob Borshard and Nakatomi at E.A.S.T.
Hellooooo Austin! If you’re in the Austin area, swing by TODAY (Saturday November 14th) and Sunday, as well as next weekend, as we’re taking part in the East Austin Studio Tours at Jacob Borshard’s house/studio (Stop #24). Jacob will have his Nakatomi prints up, as well as 2 brand new screen print SETS (so, actually like 8 new prints) debuting at the event! We’ll be splitting the space with him, so if you’ve had your…
Change is good.

Due to CONSTANT requests, and INCESSANT demand…we’re bringing the Nakatomi Nation a second chance at getting their hands on ‘Change Into a Truck’, with a new printing! Measuring 18×24, these 3-color prints are signed and numbered by the artist in an edition of 130. Available for only $25 in the art prints section of the Nakatomi Store. And, while you’re at it- we’ve got the artist’s copies of the Pandora’s Prints commissioned ‘Change Into a…
King of Crabs- Process:The making of a Screenprint
Screenprinting! Hey, how cool is this: How did it get there? Well…read on- Legendary life-enthusiast, W.A. Brenner from The Austin Chronicle was going to do an article on Screen Printing in Austin. I had been knocking around an idea for a follow up to the “Sea Also Rises: The 14th St Station Squid,” and the Chron needed a cover…so we decided to get together and make babies. The above image was the first Idea I…
Paul Pope’s Watson Robots shirt back in print…in SILVER!

You can’t keep a good t-shirt down. We’ve brought back the sold-out Gold Watson Robot Industries t-shirt from earlier this year, this time with a Silver color! Printed on a 100% cotton American Apparel T-shirt w/ Custom tags! These shirts are the first official THB merchandise in over a decade! And if you don’t know what THB is…man, did you miss some good comics! (Trust me, I’ve heard there’s more on the way…) Available now…
The Austin Chronicle’s article on Screenprinting!

Today (Thursday the 5th) The Austin Chronicle has a cover-story on Screen-printing in Austin! And the cover is by Nakatomi Honch Heado, Tim Doyle! Read the article HERE! What’s the cover, you ask? Why it’s none-other than the new print, ‘The Sea Also Rises: Incident 6- The King of Crabs Claims His Throne”! “King of Crabs” is the follow up to the sold out “S.A.R. 19- 14th Station Squid” This EPIC 5 color (yes, all…