MARVEL COMICS SKETCH COVERS! Just a quick note- Nakatomi Founder, Tim Doyle has just placed 3 brand new Marvel Comics MARVEL NOW original art sketch covers up for sale on eBay- each one is an original hand-drawn in pen and ink and Copic marker drawing on a blank Marvel Comic Book cover! Right now, it’s one spidey, and 2 Woverines, but there’s more in the pipeline. YOU CAN SEE THEM HERE. He’s got a stack…

MYSTERIOUS TUBES! It’s been 6 months since the last Nakatomi-Wide TUBE SALE, and people’s wounds have almost healed, and so we’re ready to go ONCE MORE INTO THE BREACH! We have more tubes than ever before- about 250 already packed with a few more tubes-worth of prints waiting on stand-by…so hopefully those who want one can get one! Starting somewhere between noon and 2pm CENTRAL TIME on TUESDAY the 30th, we’ll have tubes for purchase…
New From Jon Smith!- Fantomah and Phoenix!

New from Jonny Smitts! Jon Smith has two great new prints available- the above pictured Gigposter for PHOENIX, an 18×24 signed and numbered print- in an edition of 200. And, my personal favorite- Super-Wizard FANTOMAH! Based on the stunning collection of STARDUST public domain comics by Fletcher Hanks (collected in “I Will Destroy All Civilized Planets”)- this 18×24 print is signed and numbered in a tiny, tiny edition of only 80! Both prints are in…
Clint’s Bestiary- Kili the Kiwi!

Kili the Kiwi! From the man, Clint Wilson himself- “April is here and with April comes a new animal from the official Clintprints Bestiary. I am honored to introduce Kili! She is an Okarito Kiwi. She lives in the Okarito forest on the West Coast of New Zealand’s South Island.It’s tough to dance when you have such an awkward stance but one day Kili will achieve the dream of becoming a great dancer. Balthazar can…
MEGA SHARK vs. GIANT OCTOPUS by Tim Doyle now available!

GIANT SHARK vs. MEGA OCTOPUS! Available TODAY on the Octopoda gallery website HERE, Tim Doyle’s newest silkscreen art-print is now available! Measuring an over-sized 20×36, this 4-color hand-printed art-print features both metallic Gold and Silver ink, and is a beauty to behold! Part of Octopoda’s official art-show tribute to the mock-buster producing Asylum Films, this print is inspired by their most recognizable missive- “GIANT SHARK vs. MEGA OCTOPUS.” The title of the print is “Lost…
Robert Wilson IV’s KICKSTARTER for ‘Like a Virus’ comic!

Nakatomi artist affiliate and man-about-town, Robert Wilson IV, and author Ken Lowery have just launched their new Kickstarter to fund the publication of their comic book- LIKE A VIRUS. The good news is that not only does the book look FANTASTIC, but the Kickstarter campaign is already 1/2 of the way to the goal! Here- let them explain it to you- You can see more about this on THEIR KICKSTARTER PAGE HERE. Go help get…
Today’s Server Performance
Howdy Friends, We’re getting ready to have the big Bernie Wrightson sale in about 45 minutes. We know there have been significant performance problems with our store’s shopping cart system in previous timed sales. Our shopping cart provider has moved us temporarily to their “titan” server (whatever that means) for the duration of the sale, so we’re banking on that solving all our problems and making this the sale of your dreams. Please comment in…
Dr. WHO and the DALEKS print- onsale info

Dr. Who and the Daleks! Nakatomi founder, Tim Doyle, was commissioned to created this official Dr. Who and the Daleks print for UNDER THE FLOORBOARDS! This 20×36 6-color silkscreen print is signed and numbered by the artist in an edition of 200 world wide. This print will ONLY be available on the Under the Floorboards site- as it’s a UK exclusive- BUT, this being the internet and all, you will be able to pick…