Alt-Gov patches have arrived, and we’re now shipping them out! Hooray! The wait is over! Late Monday, we received a package from the manufacturer, and all patches are now in hand- and we’ve begun assembling the sets, and are shipping them out ASAP! If you’ve already ordered, look for them in your mail soon! If you missed out originally, we still have a TINY AMOUNT left in the Alt-Gov section of the Nakatomi store HERE….
Evil Mr. Paper / Ms. Paper pins by Mei!

Ms Paper / Evil Mr. Paper pins from Mei! We’re all about finding and fostering new artistic talent and bringing them to the attention of the Nakatomi Nation, but this is probably the NEWEST talent we’ve had on the site yet! These pins are designed by 6-year old Mei Genesi Doyle, and are now available on the Nakatomi site HERE for $10 each! Artist statement- “Mr. Paper is sweating because he is evil… Ms. Paper…
ALT-Mount Rainier T-shirts Now Available!

ALT. MT. RAINIER t-shirts now available for just ONE WEEK! Our ALT-GOV team-up soldiers on with the addition of Alt. Mt. Rainier to our ranks! Shirts available HERE for one week only, from now until Monday 7/16! The @altMtRainier twitter account is dedicated to science and fact-based reporting and combating the Trump administration’s assault on our country! Printed in the USA, right here at Nakatomi, on 100% ringspun cotton tees! Pick up one of these t-shirts…
“Mek Box” PAUL POPE Pin Giveaway!

“MEK-BOX” Paul Pope Pin Giveaway! Starting today, and running through the month of July, if you order any of Paul Pope’s prints or shirts on Nakatomi, you’ll receive this $10 Enamel Pin for free! Order one of these prints or shirts in the Paul Pope section of the NAKATOMI store HERE! Order multiple prints/shirts if you want multiple pins! “Mek Box” comes on a custom card-back, with a black rubber clutch on the back. Pin…
ALT-GOV Patch Sets! One week only! Join the Resistance!

ALT-GOV Patch Set! Now available! NAKATOMI is joining not only with our long-time partners at @RogueNASA, but now we’ve joined with @Alt_FDA, @AltDIA and @BadHombreNPS to bring you this brand new PATCH SET! Only available from NOW until Tuesday 7/10 at Midnight Central time! The Alt/Rogue Twitter movement has been a fantastic tool for those working anonymously in government positions to disseminate information and combat the Trump administration- and now you can show your support!…