Hey Gmail Users, We’ve been getting feedback from many Gmail users that images no longer appear, or only partially appear, in the emails we send out with product announcements. Yes, it’s driving us crazy, too. And… it is a Gmail problem. Google recently took it upon themselves to insert a proxy for html-embedded images in between you and us. They are rewriting the URLs to their own servers and temporarily hosting our images in a…
Today’s Server Performance
Howdy Friends, We’re getting ready to have the big Bernie Wrightson sale in about 45 minutes. We know there have been significant performance problems with our store’s shopping cart system in previous timed sales. Our shopping cart provider has moved us temporarily to their “titan” server (whatever that means) for the duration of the sale, so we’re banking on that solving all our problems and making this the sale of your dreams. Please comment in…
You Thought We Wouldn’t Notice

80stees.com recently ripped off Tim Doyle’s Change Into A Truck design and put it on a t-shirt. I responded like any passive-aggressive technologist friend-of-a-designer would… by documenting it on youthoughtwewouldntnotice.com: http://youthoughtwewouldntnotice.com/blog3/?p=8958 That’ll teach ’em! Nathan Beach
The Greatness of Jeff Kleinsmith
It’s midway through Jeff Kleinsmith‘s glorious month of residency at the Nakatomi Invitational. He was nice enough to sit down with us for some hard-hitting questions while providing some bone-crushing answers. Mr. Kleinsmith is one of Seattle’s most innovative designers – besides being the long-time art director for Sub Pop Records, Kleinsmith is a celebrated freelance designer and has produced a plethora of concert posters and art packages for a multitude of bands. BIAFRAH WINFREY:…
Rob Jones Interview

Rob Jones answered questions. Biafrah Winfrey: What is your current studio set up like? What kind of environment do you create while you work? Rob Jones: A hot shitbox back bedroom with three fans going off. BW: While working, do you employ any particularly unique techniques that you’ve developed on your own? (via manual or even software means) RJ: Not really. BW: How do you know when a piece is finished? RJ: When I run…
Why I Luv U

As Chief Technology Officer at Nakatomi, Inc, this is why I love Nakatomi customers and visitors to this site: No other sites I work on have such high rates of good browser use. In fact I’ve never worked on a web site whose user base is more than 50% Firefox. In addition, the 20% or so of Chrome / Safari / Opera users is totally awesome. Internet Explorer is a web browser that should die….
The Ribonucleoproteins of Nakatomi
If you’re itchin’ for something to do, don’t forget about: The Vaults of Nakatomi Your one-stop-shop for metadata about our limited edition prints! It’s updated each month when the new Nakatomi Invitational is released and will gradually collect data for any prints that go out (of print). Love, Biafrah Winfrey
Greatness: Jon Vermilyea
Jon Vermilyea recently sat down with The Stuff for a hard-hitting interview in tandem with his new Nakatomi Invitational release. Biafrah Winfrey: What is your current studio set up like? Jon Vermilyea: My studio is my bedroom in Greenpoint, Brooklyn. Its mainly just a drafting table with a lamp and a desk with my computer, scanner and tablet. BW: In your work, do you employ any unique artist techniques that you’d be willing to expose…
A Very Special Place

So, probably the greatest website I’ve ever seen in my life went offline in the last couple of months. Luckily, I realized its greatness and made my own backup copy. The site was called Otter’s Plushie Forest. And this is where I copied it… Visit Otter’s Plushie Forest Otter, wherever you are, you’re a genius… we miss you so much.