80stees.com recently ripped off Tim Doyle’s Change Into A Truck design and put it on a t-shirt. I responded like any passive-aggressive technologist friend-of-a-designer would… by documenting it on youthoughtwewouldntnotice.com: http://youthoughtwewouldntnotice.com/blog3/?p=8958 That’ll teach ’em! Nathan Beach
I don’t know you! That’s my purse!

So, Peter Sciretta over at SlashFilm sent me this yesterday- He’s in Toronto at the TIFF film festival, and saw this at a T-shirt shop. Now, I’m not the hardest guy in the world to track down. If you want to make shirts with our art on it, you could at least give me an email. Considering every other shirt on that rack is either a straight rip, or a pale imitation of a T-shirt…