First- some background. I never watched Buffy. Or Angel. I did however completely fall in love with Firefly. But only AFTER seeing the movie Serenity first. (Which ACTUALLY, probably wasn’t a bad way to get into it all…it is a pretty great film.) And when Joss Wheedon came on board to write The Astonishing X-Men at Marvel, my new-found faith in Wheedon was rewarded with a great, great comic. But- my interest in the new…
Beverly Hills Cop 3000

In the future, Axel Foley’s corpse will be re animated to fight crime and put bannanas into quantum tail-pipes. Unfortunately for Axel, only his head was cryogenically frozen. Also, in the future, to save space- humanity has miniturized EVERYTHING. So Axel has to fight crime with just his giant, unfrozen head…dragged around Neo-Beverly Hills on a trailer. Proof-
This Is Why You’re Fat.
So I stumbled across this beautiful little piece of internet magic via a friend’s myspace bulletin, and well, it just seemed to blood clottingly delicious to not pass on. It’s called and as far as blogs go (“The Stuff” excluded of course), it might just be at the top of the food chain…PUN INTENDED! With such delights as the coma inducing Double Bacon Hamburger Fatty Melt… …to the heart-stopping Corn Dog Pizza… …right down…