New FREE portrait print series

New FREE portrait print series

  Freebie Giveaway prints! WELL- our last freebie portrait print set wrapped up with the most recent Tube Sale, and so we’re moving on to SOMETHING NEW! Something who? Oh- SOMETHING WHO. These two prints are the first in what we hope will be an 11 (or is it 12? SPOILERS.) set of portraits that we’re giving away for free with orders!  Each 2-color hand-printed image measures 9×24, and is signed and numbered by Doyle…

Bernie Wrightson PRINT SUBSCRIPTIONS onsale- Tuesday 5/14

Bernie Wrightson PRINT SUBSCRIPTIONS onsale- Tuesday 5/14

BERNIE WRIGHTSON PRINT SUBSCRIPTIONS! Nakatomi is proud to continue our relationship with Illustrator-supreme, Bernie Wrightson, and his Frankenstein Print Series!  After selling out of the first two releases, we solicited feed-back from our customers and as a result, we’re happy to present the WRIGHTSON FRANKENSTEIN PRINT SUBSCRIPTION! On Tuesday, 5/14 between Noon and 2PM Central Time, we’ll offer up 175 subscriptions to the next 5 screen-printed art-prints in the series for $230 plus shipping. The…

Doctor Who and the Daleks print- now a BLU-RAY cover!

Doctor Who and the Daleks print- now a BLU-RAY cover!

      Doctor Who and the Daleks!   Tim Doyle’s Doctor Who print for the Studio Canal Doctor Who movie from the 60’s is now an official DVD/ Blu-Ray cover! How crazy is that?!?   These should be available shortly- no word on if there’s an all-region release, or if it’s UK only, but we’ll keep you posted!   If you live in the UK and still need a copy of the original print,…

Eames chair print set by Zane Thomas!

Eames chair print set by Zane Thomas!

Eames Chairs! Artist and Designer (and Nakatomi Printer), Zane Thomas hand-drew this great print set featuring 4 of the classic Eames chairs. The four prints measure 8.5 x 11″ and are hand-printed in an edition of 50 matched-number sets. You can pick these up HERE in the Art Prints section of the Nakatomi store! And, check out more of Zane’s work on his site, Strange Culture. Sets are in hand for immediate shipment. -alex fugazi….

2 New from Tim Doyle! Shark V. Octopus, and VW Classic!

2 New from Tim Doyle! Shark V. Octopus, and VW Classic!

Doyle’s copies of two recent prints are now available on Nakatomi! Pictured above is his entry into the ASYLUM films art show in Colorado- ‘Lost In Your Eyes’! The print measures 20×36, and is signed and numbered in an edition of 125. Nakatomi will only have 50 copies available! Printed with both metallic gold and metallic silver ink! AND- Doyle was again commissioned to produce the event poster for the Texas VW Classic held every…

Marvel Comics Sketch Covers from Doyle!

Marvel Comics Sketch Covers from Doyle!

MARVEL COMICS SKETCH COVERS! Just a quick note- Nakatomi Founder, Tim Doyle has just placed 3 brand new Marvel Comics MARVEL NOW original art sketch covers up for sale on eBay- each one is an original hand-drawn in pen and ink and Copic marker drawing on a blank Marvel Comic Book cover!  Right now, it’s one spidey, and 2 Woverines, but there’s more in the pipeline. YOU CAN SEE THEM HERE. He’s got a stack…



MYSTERIOUS TUBES! It’s been 6 months since the last Nakatomi-Wide TUBE SALE, and people’s wounds have almost healed, and so we’re ready to go ONCE MORE INTO THE BREACH! We have more tubes than ever before- about 250 already packed with a few more tubes-worth of prints waiting on stand-by…so hopefully those who want one can get one! Starting somewhere between noon and 2pm CENTRAL TIME on TUESDAY the 30th, we’ll have tubes for purchase…

New From Jon Smith!- Fantomah and Phoenix!

New From Jon Smith!- Fantomah and Phoenix!

New from Jonny Smitts! Jon Smith has two great new prints available- the above pictured Gigposter for PHOENIX, an 18×24 signed and numbered print- in an edition of 200. And, my personal favorite- Super-Wizard FANTOMAH!  Based on the stunning collection of STARDUST public domain comics by Fletcher Hanks (collected in “I Will Destroy All Civilized Planets”)- this 18×24 print is signed and numbered in a tiny, tiny edition of only 80! Both prints are in…

Clint’s Bestiary- Kili the Kiwi!

Clint’s Bestiary- Kili the Kiwi!

Kili the Kiwi! From the man, Clint Wilson himself- “April is here and with April comes a new animal from the official Clintprints Bestiary. I am honored to introduce Kili! She is an Okarito Kiwi. She lives in the Okarito forest on the West Coast of New Zealand’s South Island.It’s tough to dance when you have such an awkward stance but one day Kili will achieve the dream of becoming a great dancer. Balthazar can…

MEGA SHARK vs. GIANT OCTOPUS by Tim Doyle now available!

MEGA SHARK vs. GIANT OCTOPUS by Tim Doyle now available!

GIANT SHARK vs. MEGA OCTOPUS! Available TODAY on the Octopoda gallery website HERE, Tim Doyle’s newest silkscreen art-print is now available! Measuring an over-sized 20×36, this 4-color hand-printed art-print features both metallic Gold and Silver ink, and is a beauty to behold!  Part of Octopoda’s official art-show tribute to the mock-buster producing Asylum Films, this print is inspired by their most recognizable missive- “GIANT SHARK vs. MEGA OCTOPUS.”  The title of the print is “Lost…