It’s Valentine’s Day. Did you remember everything? Flowers- check. Card- check. Chocolate Covered Strawberries- check. The Limited edition Nakatomi Invitational T-shirt and Poster releases? FAIL! ABORT! Don’t worry- there’s still time. Today is the VERY last day the original 3 Poster / Shirt Invitational releases will be available. At Midnight tonight, C.S.T. they’re ‘outta here! Scoot your sweet self over to the NAKATOMI INVITATIONAL and get ’em. Because just like true love…these will soon expire. …
De Niro Times SIX! Now on sale

A hoy hoy! So- Bill Murray’s lesser known co-star from ‘Mad Dog and Glory’ , Robert De Niro, finally gets some recognition around here! De Niro Times Six! Is now up for sale in the Art Prints category in the Nakatomi Store! It comes in a regular edition– And a ‘Bobby’s got the Blues’ Glow in the dark version– Both have slightly larger edition sizes than the previously FAST sold out Murray posters, but not…
Murray Times Six!
Wow. Uh…wow. The Bill Murray art print sold out in record time. Big ups to Peter over at SlashFilm, and Omar over at TwitchFilm for getting the word out, as well as Mitch over at OMGposters for his coverage. The demand was so violently fast, that we rushed a 2nd edition out, and even that is almost sold out at this writing. (It’s the one on the bottom) UPDATE- The 2nd edition is now sold-out…There…