Rebbie Jackson\’s \”Centipede\” from 1984 Tigers, fake plastic snakes with twinkling eyes, lightning bolt hands, zombie-like angular dancing and, yes, the occasional Centipede. It’s so close to making sense (in that “early 80’s video” sort of way), that the fact that it doesn’t come together just makes it disturbing. -T. for Theo
The Ribonucleoproteins of Nakatomi
If you’re itchin’ for something to do, don’t forget about: The Vaults of Nakatomi Your one-stop-shop for metadata about our limited edition prints! It’s updated each month when the new Nakatomi Invitational is released and will gradually collect data for any prints that go out (of print). Love, Biafrah Winfrey
Robot Wedding
Nakatomi Founder, Tim Doyle is getting married next weekend, and in honor, ‘The Stuff’ blogger Theo made this strangely catchy song. Uh…Theo- are you telling us that you’re not coming? -alex fugazi
Just a few more days for Mark Todd’s Invitational!

Hello Nakatomi world! There’s just a few days left for Mark Todd’s Invitational entry, so if you’ve been sitting around, contemplating whether you’d like to be awesome for the rest of your life or not…now’s the time to decide. Be awesome and pick up the poster or shirt…or be relegated to a life sans-awesomeness. Mark’s completely amazing entry into the “Tiny Showcase” print series was an instant sell out, as this kid is definitely going…
How Now Sexy Brown Cow?

So, if you know me, you know I like food. That’s no surprise. So, when Dryer’s releases a new brand of ‘low fat’ Ice Cream sandwiches, you know I’m on that like a fat kid on Ice Cream Sandwiches. (Hmm…a little too literal there?) They come nicely packed in an egg-carton type plastic container, separated from each other so they can’t give each other ice-cream cooties- And if you’re looking at you local store for…
De Niro out the door!

The De Niro prints got here last Friday night and all pending orders shipped out Monday, so you lucky boys and girls out there should be getting these starting today! Hmm- pretty: Now, when Bobby D shows up at your door, just don’t look him in the eye. Even if he’s the only one standing there. Don’t look at him. There are a VERY few of these left, so if you missed out on the…
Will U B MySpace™ Freind On Facebook™ LOL?

Baby, Don’t leave me. Please, baby. After all we been through? You know how much I love you. Can we at least still be Facebook friends? Love, Sir Hugs-A-Lot PS: This is potentially really lame, but we started a Nakatomi “Fan Page” on Facebook. Will you PLEASE be our friend over on Facebook? We have like no friends so far and it looks really sad (granted it’s only be up for about a half hour)….
Will U B MySpace™ Freind On Facebook™ LOL?
Baby, Don’t leave me. Please, baby. After all we been through? You know how much I love you. Can we at least still be Facebook friends? Love, Sir Hugs-A-Lot PS: This is potentially really lame, but we started a Nakatomi “Fan Page” on Facebook. Will you PLEASE be our friend over on Facebook? We have like no friends so far and it looks really sad (granted it’s only be up for about a half hour)….
Beverly Hills Cop 3000

In the future, Axel Foley’s corpse will be re animated to fight crime and put bannanas into quantum tail-pipes. Unfortunately for Axel, only his head was cryogenically frozen. Also, in the future, to save space- humanity has miniturized EVERYTHING. So Axel has to fight crime with just his giant, unfrozen head…dragged around Neo-Beverly Hills on a trailer. Proof-

So…you know how the Department of Motor Vehicles, no matter WHERE you live takes absolutely the worst photos, no matter what? I win the award for the worst ever. EVER. First up- my last one: Pretty bad. That photo is probably around 5-6 years old. I look like I live under florescent lights, and that dark ‘halo’ around my face is actually a pretty pathetic attempt at sideburns and a beard. I purposefully didn’t smile,…