Artists Clint Wilson and Tessa Morrison created this awesome COLDPLAY print, commissioned by the Toyota Center in Houston, at the Nakatomi Print labs! First, Clint and Tessa assembled a Glass Tile Mosaic, photographed it, and printed it as a 3 color hand-pulled silk-screen poster! They made this awesome little video to show the process- about 4 minutes through they start printing, and you can see the inner workings of the Nakatomi Print Labs! …
Texas VW Classic print- Now Available!

From Doyle- “I was very happy to receive a cold-call from Tyler Chamberlain from the Texas VW Classic, asking me if I’d be interested in producing a poster for their annual event here in Central Texas. He had noticed a recurring theme in some of my art- a VW bus or other such fun vehicles snuck in where ever I could make it work. I have long, long loved the beauty and clean lines of…
“The Hero’s Triumph” video game tribute by Russ Moore on sale info!

Nakatomi is VERY proud to announce the release of artist Russ Moore’s first new print for us- “The Hero’s Triumph”! This print will be available today (THURSDAY 1/12/12) sometime between 2 and 2:30 pm CST. Keep an eye on our TWITTER feed for when it drops! Russ just moved to Austin a few months back, and we were happy to help him with a print job he had for his site- , and…

PLEASE NOTE- THESE ARE SOLD OUT. Well, it’s 2011 and we have one year until 2012 when the Mayans return from their 5th dimensional exile and suck all of reality down into a singular super-dense point of dark matter which will then explode into a new reality, completing the mythical Norse cycle of Ragnarok. Yes, I’m saying the Mayans and the Vikings are in cahoots. And, before that happens, we really need to clear some…
Nakatomi profile in the Washington Times!

Washington Times Film Critic, Sonny Bunch, profiled us in today’s issue of the paper! You can buy the paper at this thing called a NEWSSTAND, and apparently, it’s printed on ACTUAL paper. Weird! Or, you can read it HERE. The article is called- Nerd Art: Affordable prices lure incorrigible dorks Man…GEEZ! If you look at that image of the Paper above, and look REAL closely, you’ll see the date is June 29th, 1989! That’s less…
Invitational Season 2- Now available!
The Nakatomi Invitational Season 2 is now available! The line up we’ve got this time around is just out of control- Guy Burwell– Poster Legend Jeff Kleinsmith– Sub-Pop Records art director/ Poster guy Craig McCracken– Creator of the Powerpuff Girls Spacesick– artist/designer of the future/past Nick Derington– Lead Animator ‘A Scanner, Darkly’ Jim Mahfood– Indie Comic Book Rabble-rouser Jay Ryan – God This time around, we gave each artist the general theme of ‘Robots’. All…
Twitter is EVIL. Flickr? Not so much.

If you are one of the millions of people interested in what the Nakatomi Staff is eating, waiting in line for, or what the biopsy results might be, you should be following us on TWTTER. I’m not going to guarantee interesting, groundbreaking releases to be posted there, and you can probably stay on top of all our awesomeness just by subscribing to the MAILING LIST, but considering the mailing list goes out MAYBE once a…