Direct from Aye Jay himself- “Tired of getting shut out on poster drop days!?! Aye Jay has got you covered! He utilized the services of a voodoo priest, making a sacred mash of the following: Shepard’s wheatpaste, a feather from Horkey’s helmeted bird, a hair from Emek’s soul patch, a Princess Di tenner from Banksy, and a bit of Tyler Stout’s incredible mojo… then blessed these sacred f5 shirts. Refresh early, refresh often! Use the…
Squids! By Clint Wilson

SQUIDS! Clint Wilson brings us these two charming little guys (other one is below), and they want to uh…’squid’ their way into your heart and onto your walls. (Really, how do squids move? Swim? Would you call it ‘swimming’? Man, so weird.) These prints measure 18×24, and are signed and numbered (and printed) by Clint. The green is in an edition of 100, and the blue in an edition of 50. Available now in…
“Skulls” art print by Kristian Donaldson
Kristian Donaldson is back with TWO prints for Nakatomi in under a month! His LAST ONE is still available, but almost gone… Kristian is just a stellar artist, with a hardcover graphic novel from VERTIGO , “99 Days” set to debut in a couple of months, and he’s already busy at work on his next project. This print, titled ‘Skulls’ was debuted at Flatstock Austin 2011, and now it’s available for sale to the rest…
G is for Godzilla, Part One

Zombies have saturated the market, aliens are not in season, and vampires & werewolves are locked in a prissy slap-fight for young adult literature dominance. Let’s face it, now is the suck-all time to be a fan of monsters. But I have the answer. It’s time to bring the Big Guy back – Godzilla. Normally, this is the point where I bring out all the scientific evidence to back up my claim that the next…
Creebobby Tuesdays! Sky Sirens!

Click image to enlarge. Nakatomi regular, Jacob Borshard, brings his charming world of Platypus based-comedy to Nakatomi! Once a week on Tuesday, we’re going to host one of Jacob’s original Creebobby strips from his site, Pick up Jacob’s limited edition screenprints HERE. -alex fugazi
You Thought We Wouldn’t Notice recently ripped off Tim Doyle’s Change Into A Truck design and put it on a t-shirt. I responded like any passive-aggressive technologist friend-of-a-designer would… by documenting it on That’ll teach ’em! Nathan Beach
Creebobby Tuesdays! Chocolate Cake!

Click image to enlarge. Nakatomi regular, Jacob Borshard, brings his charming world of Platypus based-comedy to Nakatomi! Once a week on Tuesday, we’re going to host one of Jacob’s original Creebobby strips from his site, Pick up Jacob’s limited edition screenprints HERE. -alex fugazi
Creebobby Tuesdays! It’s Good to be a Platypus!

Click image to enlarge. Nakatomi regular, Jacob Borshard, brings his charming world of Platypus based-comedy to Nakatomi! Once a week on Tuesday, we’re going to host one of Jacob’s original Creebobby strips from his site, Pick up Jacob’s limited edition screenprints HERE. -alex fugazi
The Great Pony Rebellion rages on! New Prints Available-

Snuzzle Clan VS. Blue Belle Clan Brand new from Jacob Borshard are Clans 3 and 4 from the ‘Clans of the Great Pony Rebellion’ series. These artist pulled prints feature fluorescent neon ink on the Battle-Ponies. Snuzzle Clan (Pictured above)- For sure they are as nuzzly, cuddly, snoogly and snuzzly as they are . . . ABSOLUTELY DEADLY. Blue Belle Clan– One light sprinkle of their glittery sweet stardust and you will slip into a…
R. Kelly does R. Kelly in Pop-Sub 5!

Pop-Sub mastermind Aye Jay has wrangled artist Rich Kelly to unleash his distinctive style on R. Kelly! Here’s the low-down from Aye Jay himself- “Anyone who knows me well will attest for my non ironic love of R Kelly’s music. I’m into it! It was only a matter of time until there was a Kells pop sub. I’m also way into artist Rich Kelly. Rich signs his work “R Kelly”, and like the singer, is…