Baby, Don’t leave me. Please, baby. After all we been through? You know how much I love you. Can we at least still be Facebook friends? Love, Sir Hugs-A-Lot PS: This is potentially really lame, but we started a Nakatomi “Fan Page” on Facebook. Will you PLEASE be our friend over on Facebook? We have like no friends so far and it looks really sad (granted it’s only be up for about a half hour)….
Will U B MySpace™ Freind On Facebook™ LOL?

Baby, Don’t leave me. Please, baby. After all we been through? You know how much I love you. Can we at least still be Facebook friends? Love, Sir Hugs-A-Lot PS: This is potentially really lame, but we started a Nakatomi “Fan Page” on Facebook. Will you PLEASE be our friend over on Facebook? We have like no friends so far and it looks really sad (granted it’s only be up for about a half hour)….