WATCH THIS BEFORE COPYRIGHT CLAIMS TAKE THIS OFF YOUTUBE! Okay, okay. I really can’t stop watching this. You need to see this. It is very, very important. Keep in mind, it is 70 minutes long. I warn you, because once you start- you will not be able to stop watching, or laughing, or shaking your head in sad rememberance. I have spent a lot of time over the last 10 plus years since this film…
January Invitational- Jeff Kleinsmith!

Jeff Kleinsmith is a designing MACHINE. After overseeing the look of SUB-POP records for the better part of a decade, how does he have ANY energy left to do the magic that he does? Well, luckily, we were able to squeeze this great piece of art from his dessicated, designing husk. “Hello” is an 18×24 5 color screen print, hand printed in the Nakatomi print labs, and individually numbered! Hello depicts a friendly skull-headed robot,…
ALT: My Blue Heaven

You wouldn’t believe the year I had. It was an incredible journey of self-discovery and redemption. You see, through the amazing future technology of the ALT program, I was able to live amongst the beautiful, blue-skinned natives of the Onomatopoeia tribe. Me in my host body. They called me T’undalips. Now, if you haven’t seen a certain film that has recently been released in theaters, let me warn you that there are some uncanny similarities…
Lost Prints on sale soon!

FINALLY! All artists who participated in the Lost art project at couldn’t speak about the project until today. (SOME of us, me included, couldn’t keep our traps shut 100% of the time, but what can ya do…) So, in response to all the emails, YES, we do have 50 copies of our print here at the Nakatomi HQ. And YES, we will be selling them. And, to make ’em extra special, Tim Doyle is…