Commission artist Tim Doyle to paint you a thing!
Hello Nakatomi Peoples!
Artist and Nakatomi founder, Tim Doyle is opening his commissions for the first time in over 2 years!
Price list-
9×12″ Black and White Ink drawing (no paint)- $150
9×12″ Black and White Watercolor Painting– $250
9×12″ Color Mixed-Media Painting– $450
9×12″ SPECIAL- Color Painting of Iron Man or Robocop or Ninja Turtles- $350 (BECAUSE)

There are only 20 slots available, and no more commissions will be sold until all these orders are filled!
The first orders received will be the first orders painted! Order NOW and we’ll get these out in plenty of time for the Holiday season! If you have a special date in mind, include that in your order info!

Ground Rules
–no nudity (but cheesecake is fine)
–Single Subject/ Characters only.
-characters from comics/ cartoons/ film preferred -no, he will not paint your family.
-Yes, you can order multiples!
-your commission will be shared on Doyle’s Instagram feed HERE. Follow along to see what others are ordering!
Please leave your desired commission in the comments section of your order– Doyle will reach out to you with confirmation once the order is received!
Pick them up here NOW.
Thank you very much!