The film “BLADE RUNNER” takes place in November of 2019- and…hey that’s RIGHT NOW?!? Where’s my flying cars?

To celebrate us all finally living in an apocalyptic future hell-scape, NAKATOMI is giving away a $10 Replicant Dreams pin (pictured above) FOR FREE with any purchase of a Blade Runner-themed prints by Tim Doyle- WHILE SUPPLIES LAST! Read on BELOW-

“White Dragon” was originally released in 2009, and featured colors by Nick Derington! Pick one up HERE.

“Tears in the Rain” was originally produced for the Astor Theater in Australia in 2010, and is now available in an art print edition! Pick one up HERE.

“If Only You Could See What I’ve Seen” also from 2010- available in a signed open edition. Pick it up HERE.

“We Scared Each Other Pretty Good” was originally from the 2015 UnReal Estate show at SpokeArt in San Francisco, and is now available in an open and signed edition! Purchase one HERE.

“2049” is the final print in the Blade Runner tribute series- it measures 12×24″ and is available in a signed, open edition. Pick one up HERE.
For the rest of the month, order up one of the above prints, and you’ll get a free “Replicant Dreams” pin included in your order- while supplies last!
(we will update this blog post if we run out during the month…)
-alex fugazi