This documentary is by Chicago Film-maker Jon Otterbacher, and is an exploration of the ideas surrounding fair use, copyright, and to a greater extent- who owns our culture, as seen through the lens of the pop-art poster scene. Nakatomi regulars like Jon Smith and Tim Doyle, among many, many others were filmed for this documentary, and now the film-makers are looking to raise funds to COMPLETE THE PROJECT!

You can visit their Indiegogo page HERE to contribute and several levels- each one comes with some nifty perks, including screen printed posters from some of the interviewees!

From Tim Doyle-

“Over a year ago, I sat down with Jon Otterbacher for a series of lengthy interviews, spread out over a few events- culminating with my solo art show at SpokeArt in February of 2012.  Even though the interview was very easy-going, he asked a lot of hard-hitting questions to which there aren’t any easy answers.  I know from experience that a lot of artists and gallery owners don’t like talking about some of the subjects he brought up, and even I recognize how uncomfortable I was discussing it- but I think the discussion is very, very important regardless.  I have not seen the documentary, but if 10% of what I talked about gets on film, it’s going to be a very uh…interesting experience seeing the fallout from it all.  I want to see this film be completed, and I hope you do too.  My only regret in doing the interviews is that it was filmed in my old print shop (the opening of the trailer)- my new shop is so much cooler, and I’ve lost about 75lbs since it was filmed. Skinny me wants a re-shoot!”

There’s only a few days left to contribute- please check out OFFICIALLY LIMITED’s Indiegogo page and help get this movie finished!

Thank you!

-alex fugazi