Man, I love this graphic-

The stuff that guy normally sells is a total scam. What’s not a scam is OUR TUBE SALE!
We’ve got enough stuff laying around to make about 50 tubes, and the first 35 or so will be getting our always popular TEST SHEETS!
Now, take a look at the latest crop- there’s seriously some stuff you shouldn’t even be seeing yet buried in here-

Personally, I really like the ‘Crepax’ Paul Pope print doubled up underneath parts of Clint Wilson’s ‘Diversity’ print. Weirdness..The rest of the stuff we’re throwing in there include prints that got returned to us by the post office months ago, and the customers left no way to contact them!
Prints Like-
one copy of ‘The White Dragon’
a couple glow in the dark ‘If You’ve Seen What I’ve Seen’
2 foil “DMC-12’s” from Anville
1 WOOD EDITION ‘The Cook!’ (shipped flat…duh)
and a ‘Hurley’s Curse’ from the Lost series-
All abandoned with no home! Now, randomly inserted into these tubes!
(Some of those prints got mad re-sale value, but we’re just THROWING THEM IN!)
And of course, we’ll include our various ‘almost perfect’ scratch/dent stuff in there. Nothing TOO out of whack to make a great X-mas gift!
Like all past Tube sales, we’ll try to make sure we’re sending stuff that you haven’t already purchased from us through the site normally.
Pick up your tube now- every time we do this, they sell out, and we get tons of emails saying ‘AAAH! I missed it!’
Don’t be that person!
Available HERE.
-alex fugazi