
If you are one of the millions of people interested in what the Nakatomi Staff is eating, waiting in line for, or what the biopsy results might be, you should be following us on TWTTER.

I’m not going to guarantee interesting, groundbreaking releases to be posted there, and you can probably stay on top of all our awesomeness just by subscribing to the MAILING LIST, but considering the mailing list goes out MAYBE once a week (no spam!) the Twitter feed is probably a good way to stay on top of those things that might fall between the email cycle.

And yes, we are on Flickr.  Or at least, Nakatomi founder, Tim Doyle is on Flickr.  If you want to see what’s been cooking in the print shop, possibly WEEKS before you can actually get it here, I suggest you roll on over to the Nakatomi Print Shop Flickr set.  (And yes, THAT poster you see there is something that’ll be available SOON-ish.  OOOhhh…now you wish you friended us a while ago on Flickr now, don’t ya?)

See you in the internets!

-alex fugazi