Robocop by Murugiah from Signet Collectables!

Hello Nakatomi Peoples!

Our collaboration with Signet continues, with this killer new release!
Available NOW from Signet Collectibles, comes this amazing new print from the master, Murugiah!

Murugiah has been on fire recently, regularly producing some of the most arresting and colorful takes on classic films, and his Robocop does NOT disappoint!

Produced exclusively for the upcoming C2E2 event in Chicago, this 18×24″ nine-color screenprint is printed in-house at the Nakatomi Print Labs.

Available in both a regular edition of 190 (above) and an Iridescent Foil edition of 65 (below)

You can reserve your copy for the show, or order them online directly from Signet HERE.

Stay tuned for the next release in this series! Lots more to come!

-alex fugazi