Puzzles 1/2 off- ONE WEEK ONLY!
Hello Nakatomi Peoples!
I hope everyone here survived the holiday season with most your limbs and digits still attached! (wish we could say the same!) We’ve returned from the liminal space between NYE and returning to the office with good news for all those in the Nakatomi Nation-
We’ve decided to extend our holiday puzzle 1/2 off sale for just ONE. MORE. WEEK!
Sale is live HERE!

Our 3 new Anime-Inspired puzzles from artist Tim Doyle are just $12.50 from now through Friday the 17th! Think of all the endless hours of entertainment you’ll have in your post-apocalyptic panic bunker! No electricity needed when you’re rocking it PUZZLE STYLE!

Also- Doyle’s Springfield puzzles are just $12.50 while supplies last– pick up Amanda Hugginkiss and Night Falls on the SNPP! Note- these puzzles will not be reprinted– don’t miss out!
Pick these all up HERE in the Puzzle section of the Nakatomi store!
All puzzles are in hand and ready for immediate shipment- grab ’em while the grabbing is good!
-alex fugaziz