Wow…February is the shortest month, but dang…that flew by. There is still ONE WEEK LEFT to get your hands on the Tyler Stout entry into the invitational series, as well as ONE WEEK LEFT to buy yourself half-a-year of awesome with our 6 month Subscription to the series. Every subscription gets you the super-rare limited edition Wood Variant of Tyler’s print, as well as first crack at every variant poster we release through the series.

Tyler Stout's first wood print!
All our variants will be limited to just the qty of subscriptions that are for sale (just 30…yikes!), so the only way to guarantee that you’ll be able to get your hands on those prints is to SIGN UP!
On March 2nd, we will be releasing Jermaine Rogers’ T-Rex inspired entry into the series ‘Rabbit Fighter’-
And the Glow in the Dark variant of this piece will first be available to SUBSCRIBERS only, and then the MAILING LIST, and then the rest of you! So my advice is…if you want to know when this guy is going to drop, at least get on the mailing list, eh?
Sorry for the hard sell, but I’m still getting emails from people upset they missed out on the last 3 in this series, and I want to make sure everyone who wants one gets one!
Tell your friends!
-Alex Fugazi